

Fluid 2024 Roadmap

Objective: Achieve orchestration of data operations and Kubernetes job scheduling systems

  • Support temporality through Kueue
    • Once data migration is completed, run data preheating, triggering the running of machine learning tasks (such as tfjob, mpiJob, pytorchJob, sparkJob)
    • After computation is completed, data migration and cache cleaning can be carried out
  • Choose data access methods based on the scheduling results of the Kubernetes scheduler (default scheduler, Volcano, YuniKorn)
    • If scheduled to ordinary nodes with shared operating system kernels, adaptively use csi plugin mode
    • If scheduled to Kata container nodes with independent operating system kernels, you can use the sidecar mode adaptively and support scalable modifications by cloud vendors

Objective: Simplify the work of operation and maintenance and AI developers through Python SDK

  • Support basic data operation
  • Combine with Hugging face and Pytorch to support transparent data acceleration through pre-reading and multi-stream reading
  • Support defining automated data flow operations

Objective: Further deeply integrate the machine learning ecosystem to simplify the user experience

  • Integrate with Kubeflow Pipelines to accelerate datasets in the pipeline
  • Integrate with Fairing for model development and deployment in the notebook environment
  • Integrate with KServe to facilitate model deployment

Objective: Continuous security enhancement

  • Minimum container permission (remove the privileged permission of FUSE Pod)
  • Minimum rbac permission
  • Minimal container image installation
  • Continuously provide best practice documentation

Objective: Simplicity and reliability, friendlier to users and developers

  • Simplify deployment
    • Merge Dataset/Runtime controllers into one binary package
  • Simplify usage
    • Support Runtimeless, Dataset as the single API entry for users to use Fluid

Objective: Enhance code quality & security improvements & documentation for produciton ready:

  • Improve code quality
  • Reduce repetitive code
  • Improve test coverage
  • Security hardening
    • Minimize the permissions of controller's RBAC
    • Regularly review and update the permissions when new runtime is introduced
  • Enhance observability
    • Provide monitoring and alerts for Datasets
  • Enhance the quality of documentation
    • Organize the documentation so users can navigate it easily and find the information
    • Provide more practical examples and tutorials can significantly improve the user's comprehension and learning process.
    • Maintain consistency in language, style, and formatting throughout the documentation